Kazuo Kitanaka
Kazuo Kitanaka
Nice to meet you, I'm Kazuo Kitanaka. Thank you for visiting our website.
On this site, I would like to introduce "Kazuo Kitanaka" through the "Management Philosophy" that I inherited from my father, a company called Naniwa Denso. This is because "a company is a person" and a manager is also an individual "person". As announced by the Cabinet Office in 2022, human capital will be reassessed, and the arrival of the individual era is clearer than it looks. Recently, the words such as "ideal management" and "purpose management" have become popular, and the way of thinking and philosophy of individual managers have a great influence on the direction of company management.
It goes without saying that the character of a manager is a very important factor in evaluating a company. Of course, I am still not as good as I could be, but I hope that you will take a look at this site as an opportunity to get to know me as I am, including the good and the bad.
On top of that, if there is something that you can sympathize with, even if only a little, and you can feel the possibility of being useful to everyone, I would be happy and happy.
I look forward to your continued guidance and encouragement to Kazuo Kitanaka.
Thank you.
Born August 14, 1964 in Osaka Prefecture. Ever since I was little, I have watched my father run the business. After graduating from the electrical department of Osaka Prefectural Fuse Technical High School, he left the company he joined as a new graduate after a year and a half. After that, he joined Naniwa Denso, which is run by his father. After the company was incorporated in October 2005, he took over as representative director in place of his retired father, and continues to this day.
Year 2005
Appointed as Representative Director of Naniwa Denso Co., Ltd.
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